
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Honduras: Week 1

I see that I never finished posting about the last few weeks of my time in Guatemala, which I don't intend to do now.  I'm sure all of you reading this knew I was in the states for the past year. 

Now I am living in Honduras.  Teaching 1st grade English to local students.  I just got here yesterday (week and a half ago, from the posting date) and wanted to post some pictures.  Some of you knew that I didn't know a lot about my apartment, so here are some apartment pictures as well as my classroom. 


This weird little room that would be great if I had a couch.  Or a cat.


Main Room

I'm hoping they can get me a little more for furniture.  At least somewhere to put my clothes.  And we're really trying to get internet in the apartments. 

But as long as I can get coffee, I'll be alright.


It looks like it might be a loooong year...

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Beginning of the End

San Francisco church and Volcan de Agua
And the good-byes have already started :(

"What is this suitcase on your floor?"

There's a Guatemalan-style of painting that is called "vista de pajaro" or "bird's eye view".  A cafe had these as placemats and I got some for my students to color.  I usually don't do art projects that are just coloring, but this fit perfectly with our unit on Perspective and they are Guatemalan...
The kids loved them!  This is how they turned out.

Olivia at the end of the wall getting a picture.  I climbed up a much smaller wall and ended up with a scraped up hand.
Worth it though!
La Casaca-  I will miss getting a Saturday morning coffee here!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mother's Day

A collage from Mother's Day:

Cards we made to go with our song. Thank you to Ms. Kim for lending us her alphabet stamps and to Ms. Bailey for finding ink!

Trip into the city and Walmart!  The bathrooms are on the second floor, creating a rare mirador of the store.

Talent Show:  10th grade presentation of traditional style of music

Free Time on the Field:  the boys play soccer and the girls build nests (complete with pinecone eggs)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Rio Dulce / Livingston

Rio Dulce

"thought to be" the longest bridge in Central America
Waterfall swimming area about 1/2 hour micro-bus ride from Rio Dulce
The hotel had a cat :)  :)  :)  Cats know cat people.

Pulling up the drawbridge

Taking a boat to Livingston

The families that live along the river here sell the typical tourist items to those traveling to Livingston.  They send their children out in a boat, and our boat driver slows down to allow them to pull alongside us.
I rarely order fish... this is what happens when I do.  (Tasted good, though!)
Night of the blood moon.

7 Altares.  A series of waterfalls.

They said it was a perfect day to come.  Not flooded with too much rain water, but not dry either.

Do you see me?

Curly hair!  Humidity!
I forgot my camera :(   Kindle pictures it is.
White sand beach at Izabal.